Industrial Fluid Systems developed a process and then built a system that achieved this goal. It consisted of an oil/water separator, 1,500 gallon settling tank, high speed centrifuge, vacuum dehydrator, micro filtration cell and (2) integrated processing tanks. The final phase of the oil purification process includes a particle counter/moisture sensor to insure oil quality. The 300 to 350 gallons/day of clean, dry hydraulic oil that is pumped into a 1,000 gallon storage tank.
The water phase is discharged from the oil/water separator to a second 4,000 gallon settling tank for additional clarification. This water is discharged to the city’s waste water treatment plant. A monitor on the discharge port insures oil is not being discharged to drain.
Prior to quoting this system an application study was done to establish the processing rate, equipment sizing, and oil quality that could be obtained. This study confirmed the process and the system cost. Payback was less than one year.
IFS has 20 years of experience building turnkey systems for:
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