IFS Builds Turnkey System for Cutting Oil Purification

003-303-14206-RIMA CuttingOilRecyclingSystem-N2
Industrial Fluid Systems creates a turnkey system which allows Michigan based manufacturing plant to recycle cutting oils in house. Initially, the scope of the project for cutting oil purification was to replace off-site recycling of an oil which was becoming more expensive. As the project progressed so did the requirements that now include:
1. Generating 350 gallons per day of clean usable oil.
2. Processing cutting oils, grinding oils and mineral seal oils.
3. Providing the ability to add EP additives and blend mineral seal oil with cutting oil.
Industrial Fluid Systems designed a process and built a system to achieve these goals in 6 months. Ultimately, saving the company on time and expenses. They are proud of the results and efforts put in by everyone to make this happen!